Friday, December 25, 2009

How do you feel about bi- racial couples?

I am African American and my boyfriend is Mexican. I was just wondering if you would be offended if you saw us together. I'm not sure if Mexican people would have a problem with it, and Im not sure if Black people would have a problem with it. Its not that I really care what people think, but I just want to know what some of you guys think.How do you feel about bi- racial couples?
I see no problem. We all are equal. I am caucasion and date a latina girl. I truly see no problems.How do you feel about bi- racial couples?
to be honest ........ i wouldnt really care! idk y ppl h8te that. i mean who really cares, all human beings are created equal.
I know in the past I have had problems going out with Mexican men because of this taboo thing. I first found out about it when this guy asked me out, and right after he kept asking me if I had ever been with a black man. I asked a girl at work about it and she told me he wouldn't go out with me if I did and that if people found out his family wouldn't talk to him?. Since then nearly every Mexican guy I've hung around has been like that. But i just blow them off. I have no problems with intteracial couples. I think that if people can find happiness in another person, that its great.
I would be fine with it as long as both of you are happy and want to be with each other who can really say anything. Only you can decide whether or not the relationship is in the best interest of both of you. If he makes you happy and he does for you what you want then don't let what other people think ruin your happiness.
Who cares if people have a problem with it. If they have a problem with it than thats their problem. If your happy with him and he is happy with you than thats all that matters.
if both of you are happy than go for it, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. being an individual lets you do this and keeps us seperate from the rest of the animal population

If you were two upstanding citizens with jobs, I have no problem.

I do have a problem though with unemployed white female trash getting pregnant to an uneducated black dude who wears his shorts halfway down his ***, carries a bottle and sells drugs, just so she can get welfare, and he gets a place to eat sleep and sh*t.

The Rat
it doesnt bother me coz its not a big deal really.
im caucasian and i date an african american so no issue there lol
I'm highly in favor of bi-racial couples.

(I'm bi-racial myself)
If you are dating the person and not his race then fine. I think interracial dating is good. I only object when a person from one racial group says that they will only date ';these'; people or ';those'; people. for ex. A Black man that will only date White women, or A Black woman that will only date Orientals. These people make me wonder if they are dating the person or the race. Love knows no limits and no colors. If you love your man, don't worry about what anyone else has to say or what they think.
There isn't anything wrong with bi-racial couples. The only thing I would see if I saw you together is two people who really enjoy each others company and are happy and as long as you have that then kudos to you. Don't ever let anyone tell you it is wrong or that the two of you could not ever be happy because you are the only ones that know how you feel. I truly wish you the best of luck.
I think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with bi-racial couples. I say its not about how you look but how you feel about someone. I am african american too and I think there is no problem with it. I really dont understand why someone would be offended by it because its not like they are the ones who are dating.
only shallow, poorly educated people will answer yes to this question. people should be judged by personality, not by looks.. racism is not only an ancient form of ignorance, but it shows your extremely high level of immaturity.
cool :)

i wouldnt see you as a black and mexican together, but just as a couple in love. who cares what you two are, just as long as both of you are in love and human, lol. im not down with bestiality.
I dont have a problem wit it at all. I am white and with a mexican girl. Alot more mexican people stare than white tho.
it's cool. diversity kicks.
I think they are awesome! I date people outside my race all the time! No problem with liking a mexican guy, I'm black too and I usually go for the Asians and Latinas so good for you.
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