Thursday, December 31, 2009

What's the number one rason married couples divorce.?




drugsWhat's the number one rason married couples divorce.?
Money is too easy an answer, its what the money means to you. Divorce today is more common than in the past. I think divorce is more complex and I doubt there is only one reason. But having said that, I think divorces come from two people going in different directions, and changing their priorities. The are not the same people they were when they got married.What's the number one rason married couples divorce.?
money cheating,not comunicating
lack of connection. When any couple lost their connection, it is so hard to find it back cos with the right connection, lots of problems can be solved by proper flow of communication delivered in a a sweet , gentle loving way. How many couples in this world are actually nice n sweet to each other everyday?
Sex, He wants it she doesn't, this leads to fighting or cheating, and money since he's not getting any sex he get even madded when she spends a boat load of cash to have a 10th purse or the 50th pair of shoes
Communication breakdown!!!!!!!!
they get bored of each other
one doesnt know how to spell
Maybe because of money? Or they wasn't ready to be married?
The Bible only gives 2 reasons that divorce is right in God's eyes that is adultry and if the other person wants to just up and wants to leave you if you become saved and the other one choose to leave you for whatever reason they want to. My personal opinion is that most people marry for the wrong reasons in the first place if they don't love one another then it's not going to last; not by saying that they love one another but thru deeds and actions. then my other reason that most marriages end in divorce is that people just don't want to work out their problems and they just rather seperate instead. It's sad to say but 2 true. God bless and have a great day!!!
Poor communication

Financial problems

A lack of commitment to the marriage

A dramatic change in priorities

I dont know for sure but I have been told alot that it always starts with financial issues...
in the US? Money. in other countries - infidelity ...
I heard it was money and i never believed that until I saw the persuit of happiness
sex and money number 111111
Money, kids, fighting,
Because they got married.
Trust or the lack of it! Everything in a relationship is about trust. Trust is the glue that holds the relationship together. There are successful marriages despite one partner being afflicted with some ailment, disease or a financial tragedy. There are failed marriages where none of the above exists. The difference is how the partners trust each other and act in a trustworthy way. Trust is built by consistent behavior and communication.
Sex. He wants it, she withholds it as a power play to get back at him for ticking her off which was because he yelled at her for spending too much money but she had to because it was for the kids!
Marriage ;)

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