Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why Do Couples Yearn For A Baby?

I am sorry but I just do not get it...

Is not raising them so expensive and time-consuming and energy-consuming?

We live only once! So why should we still be a volunteer?

Or a Saint?

When we could have ALL the money and time and comforts and freedom for OURSELVES?

Thanks for trying to enlighten me. I am just curious...Why Do Couples Yearn For A Baby?
not everyone yearns for a baby - some couples never have children and are fine with that. My husbands parents have friends that never had children and that's they way they wanted it. When my in-laws were spending money on school and clothes for their kids their friends were buying boats and going on great vacations. Its a choice, kids are really expensive and your whole life basically revolves around them and what they want but i wouldn't give this life up for any amount of money..... people that choose not to have kids are not selfish, they just know they dont want kids, and that is fine. The people that are selfish are the ones who DO have the children but act as if they are an inconvenience.Why Do Couples Yearn For A Baby?
Children are the most important thing in a marriage, not saying all but most, everyone has a right to their own opinion and the way they want to live their lives. children are the thing that completes a couples life, it allows you to mould a child into a wonderful person and feel needed, loved and wanted. a family is the most wonderful thing in the world, and i apologize you dont feel that way, but i think people shouldnt need to justify to you or anyone why they want children and what is the need.
What use is money? You can't take it with you, and it will be spent before it can change the world.

Children however, are a delight and when you have them, you don't want the time, money and freedom anymore, because they are so important, and worth sacrificing it all for.

It's a natural drive aswell. I grew up knowing I didn;t want children, but now that I have a two year old, I want another- it;s the hormones!

EDIT: I'm not surprised that your mom is in a bad mood- look at how you come across- you seem very spoiled and self centered. How about being nicer to your parents and letting them know that you appreciate all the things they do for you.
Couples yearn for a baby because being a parent is the most amazing thing anyone can experience. The love you feel for child is stronger than any type of love you can have for anyone/anything else. I'd much rather live off of only $50,000 a year and have my wonderful daughter brighten my day every single day then make over $100,000 a year. I also wouldn't call it ';volunteering';. I get paid in hugs and kisses from my 2 year old every day and they are worth more than anything. Yeah they don't pay the bills but it gives you (or in my case my Husband) a real reason to go to work every day. I guess some people just don't have the heart to be a parent.
because they want that bond together to have each other forever duhhh
Because some people don't feel complete without a child. It's natural instinct to have kids, it's in our genetic make up!

And most people aren't so selfish that they feel they need EVERYTHING to themselves.
When God created Perfect humans our purpose on the earth was to be fruitful and subdue the earth. So we still have that in our hearts even though we are imperfect and the world around us is falling apart.
they want thier names 2 live on and 2 have a big family
Here's my reasons. First of all, I feel that there's something ingrained in us to keep the human race going. Secondly, it's an extension of our love. Thirdly, all the money, time, comforts, freedoms etc in the world don't compare to the absolute love and joy that come from having a child. My son fulfills me and completes my husband and I. We look forward to having more children and I don't even care about the sacrifices I have to make to my materialistic, humanistic side. It's SO worth it. But, hey, that's just me. :)
I believe that everyone is different. Some people would rather not have children and those who do, and those who didn't mean to have them.

Nothing wrong with not having them and spending your hard earned money on yourself.

I think sometimes people can't get pregant and that makes want to have one even more. There are several children who need loving homes but yet people still go and buy babies from other countries or pay thousands to try procedures that don't always work. Foster parents are wonderful people with big hearts.
I guess truthfully it is b/c you get bored. I really love my husband a lot, we do many fun things, and we are great friends, but eventually you sort of run out of things to say (and I can talk for HOURS about nothing).

You want to feel needed, and while kids can be a pain, they can also be amusing, entertaining, and a lot of fun. I had my freedom for 13 years now and it is actually pretty boring. I have been the places I wanted to go, met the people I wanted to meet, and am looking for a new challenge.

Even when couples get older and don't have kids they still end up looking for new ways to be fulfilled. Some people have kids, some people get involved in causes, but either way, once the fun and thrill of being independent and free has worn off, most people want to feel needed. If you love someone and you have longed to have them in your life, them needing you makes you feel good. Unfortunately, I think many couples have kids before they are ready. Sometimes if you get something easily, you never appreciate it fully and wonder what might have been. Maybe this was the case with your parents.

Hope this gives you some insight into what we are thinking. It is an interesting question.
well the girl get pregnant just to keep a man!!!! And the boys just want children......well men don't expect to have children!!! It just happens!!! Then the woman know that she has him cause she has his baby!!!! I'm 13 and i know cause i have a 15 years old boyfriend with so-called twins!!!!
To have part of both parents into one child. All that love in that marriage finally expresses itself into that newborn body. To pass down memories and experiences so that they can live a successful, fulfilling life. A child is a miracle no matter who the parents are or how it was conceived. To start a family. In the family there is love and support for one another. Some people choose not to have kids and thats perfectly fine but i highly doubt its because they want all the money to themselves. To have a child is a decision that is important. Some people to have a child others don't. It usually depends on how the person was raised and how comfortable they are in their marriage.

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