Thursday, January 21, 2010

What is the most common problem that couples end up in divorce? Is it more on money issues or cheating issues?

Actually, I would say that the most common problems all couples that end up in divorce have are communication problems and unrealistic expectations.

People who marry younger usually have expectations that are not necessarily realistic. When problems arise because of these expectations, they often fail to communicate their needs, feelings, and issues and end up instead criticizing or resenting their partner. Pre-marital counseling and better communication techniques would help solve or at least lessen a lot of these problems.

When people cheat on a spouse, more often than not they were already having major problems in their marriage that were overlooked by one or both parties. Cheating is a symptom of an unfulfilling marriage just as much as it is a sign of an unloyal spouse.

Money issues, like many other things, are a result of unrealistic expectations and often result in other problems, including bad communication habits. A couple that can sit together and calmly and rationally discuss financial expectations and limitations can usually work through these problems. A couple that refuses to discuss financial issues or that relies on negative communication, threats, or insults to settle financial problems is usually headed for divorce.

In other words, while it is common for many couples who get divorced to have either money problems or fidelity problems or both, the underlying cause of all these other problems are unrealistic expectations and communciation problems. Ask any marriage counselor or psychologist, and I'm sure they will agree.What is the most common problem that couples end up in divorce? Is it more on money issues or cheating issues?
Mostly cheating...but I would say both.What is the most common problem that couples end up in divorce? Is it more on money issues or cheating issues?
In my opinion it's probably cheating issues.
I think the most common problem in relationships is premature marriage. People don't know each other well enough and move too quickly, which ends in disappointment and anger because of the views of the spouse and the disagreement and anger caused because of them.
I'd bet it's about 50/50. Both are huge trust issues.

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