Thursday, January 21, 2010

Who are the best couples in a video game?

I just want 2 know your opinions on who are the best couple in ANY video game that ever was invented. As 4 me I think the best couple is Tifa%26amp;Cloud.Who are the best couples in a video game?
Tidus and Yuna from Final Fantasy XWho are the best couples in a video game?
Tidus and Yuna from Final Fantasy X
Peach and Daisy
Hmmm that's a tough one i would have to say Cecil and Rosa from ff3 because they are the only ff couple who got married
Ryu and Chun Li

Guile and Cammy

Sonya and Jhonny Cage
Tifa x Cloud

Mario x Peach

Luigi x Daisy

Sonic x Amy

Cream x Charmy

Wario x himself

Waluigi x himself
Mario %26amp; Luigi

max payne and mona sax in max payne 2
Pac-man %26amp; Ms. Pac-man.
donkey kong and candy

the guys from grand theft auto and the hookers

leon and ashley from re4
sonic and amy

rough and knuckles

titus and yuna cloud and yuffie

riku and kairi

inuyasha and kagome

edward and al
  • mascara eye liner
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