Friday, January 15, 2010

POLL: What's Your View On Interracial Couples?

I'm white, and my boyfriend is arab. Everytime we go out and hold hands, I see some people giving us weird/dirty looks. Some people stare, or shake their heads. Someone even came up to me once and said “you should be with your own kind”.

I don't get it. I just think it's great to find love, if you happen to find love with a person of another race, so be it. Nothing wrong with it. What's wrong with interracial couples?POLL: What's Your View On Interracial Couples?
Nothing, I think interracial couples are beautiful. Let the close-minded continue to be close-minded.POLL: What's Your View On Interracial Couples?
I am going to throw a loop in the crochet here.

Having been in the military, all I can say is be very careful who you date these days. I has nothing to do with color, but we have been attacked by those who portray themselves to be normal and then turn out to be terrorist affiliated. If he's a nato country, I wouldn't sweat it.

I don't have anything against interracial matrimony or relationships, I am just a broad thinker, and see what some don't. If he was born in America, then all the better for you Nikki.

If he treats you good and doesn't hurt you, even better. That is character not race.
I don't think that there is anything wrong with it. Too many people in our world try to act like racism is way behind us, but it ISN'T! You and your man did not deserve to be treated like that. It is much more important that you find someone that you are in love with regardless of their race instead of someone that looks like you and that you don't really care to much for. I have to think that maybe their would be a lot less divorces in our world if people would forget about finding a person that looked like them to get married to.
There's nothing wrong with that. Both my best friends are dating and they have the same problems as you guys. You see Ashley is white and Chris is black so people look down on that for some reason....

I understand you big-time since I was brought up in the middle-east where I saw a lot of the same kind of relationships as you guys. And I'm interracial myself.

You just gotta shake your head back at them for being so close-minded. This world should be a completley free world. Forget about what other people think about you guys, it doesn't matter.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. Love doesn't see colour. I'm black, my husband's caucasian. Colour certainly wasn't an issue with us. My sister in law is caucasian and married to a wonderful asian guy. Colour is definitely not an issue with them either. They've been happily married for 10 years. The one's giving you dirty stares, are probably envious, or just downright ignorant.
Same as my view on fair-haired with brunette/ brown-eyed with's nothing to do with relationship unless different cultural/religious values impact on it.

Probably someone will accuse me of an introverted racism if I say interracial couple make beautiful children - look around you.

Ignore the ignorant and insular people, leave them to their empty lives.
To each there own I say... I don't think that I would ever be in a interracial relationship but I don't frown upon others that are in them... Every time someone does that to you just remember that they are only doing it because they are ignorant to the fact that it is 2009, not 1809... If your in love with an person of arabic ancestry, then so be it. Love is blind...
im sorry to hear that ppl do that to you and your bf.well i think that its great that ppl can date other ppl of different race! i love it!
nothing wrong with you.

just the racist bigots have the problems.

i'm white, the ex-wife and kids are asian.
There is nothing wrong with interracial couples. I was raised to not see color or nationality. You love who you love. Other people need to get a life. Ignore them and be happy.
I don't have any problem with this. UNfortunitly there are some people who do. THEY are the ones with a problem. I say have a GREAT life together.
I think that people need to mind their own business... I don't see anything wrong with interracial couples... Just ignore the ignorant ones and be happy with who you love...
Nothing wrong with mixing, just don't put down all people that are of your own, just cause your boyfriends different.
Well if it wasn't for interracial couples no one would be here.
Who cares!!!!! I am white my husband is Puerto Rican. I love him, he loves me and we do get looks but we don't need validity from strangers nor do you.
I think it's perfectly fine.

It's stupid that people think it's wrong.

There is nothing wrong with it.
i dont think there's anything wrong with it. as long as your happy and their happy screw the rest.
Bah. Don't let the negative opinions of strangers affect you. We love who we love, and color of skin is no reason to turn away from our soul mates!
To each their own. I don't have a problem with it at all, and good for you finding love. ♥
nothin, they make beautiful children :)
There are narrow minded people everywhere. Try to ignore them and their stares.
i think its awesome! its good to see something different
its no big deal be with who you want to be with
i don't care but that is so mean! i do not have anything againsst it = ]
live and let live

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